Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050379

Image 379 of 49113th June 1735

Bethlem }

London SsAt a Court holden at the said Hospital of Bridewell on
Friday the 13th day of June 1735

Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr :Aldn :Treasurer

Dr. Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Richard Cheeke< no role > Thomas Tryon< no role > Esqr .
Mr. William Myers< no role > Mr. Depty. DavisMr. Robt Bishop< no role >
Mr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Richard Bridgman< no role > Mr. John Bridge< no role >
Mr. StewartDr. George Wharton< no role > Mr. Depty. Everett
Robert Westley< no role > Esqr .Mr. Allen Webb< no role > Mr William Brent< no role >
Mr. Thomas Cox< no role > Mr. Thomas Skipp< no role > Mr. Philip Scarth< no role >
Mr. Robert Pycroft< no role > Mr. Charles Cotton< no role > Mr. Henry Sisson< no role >
Mr. John Cook< no role > Mr. William Russell< no role > Dr. John Beaufort< no role >
Marmaduke Alington< no role > Esqr Mr. Robert Henshaw< no role > Mr. John Markham< no role >
Mr. Depty. BallardMr. Samuel Smith< no role > Thomas Cheek< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Nathaniel Woolfreys< no role > Mr. James Bartlett< no role > Mr. Depty Farrington
Mr. Depty. SnartMr. Gilbert Malcher< no role > Mr. James Danzie< no role >
Mr. William Swan< no role > Mr. Depty. WileyMr. Edwd. Holloway< no role >
Walter Pryse< no role > Esqr


FannGeorge< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath
of Anthony Wright< no role > his Master for Imbezelling from him some money of small Value
and being a loose idle and a disorderly Servant .

Pun & dd

WivelinFrancis< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the oath of
Thomas Lee< no role > Overseer of the poor of the parish of St. Martin Vintry London
for unlawfully running away from and leaving his two Children a Charge upon
the said Parish; and being a disorderly idle Person.

Pun & dd

BarlowWilliam< no role > BySr : Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the oath of
Samuel Clark< no role > , his Master for frequently absenting himself from his Service
without his Lease and being a loose idle & a disorderly Apprentice


TaylerJohn< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath of
Sarah Osborne< no role > for pilfering from out of her house a small China Bunch Bowl
of small Value and being a disorderly Person.

Pun & dd

PewThomas< no role > By Sr Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath
of James Laning< no role > his Master for frequently absenting himself from his service
without his Leave and without any lawfull occasion and being a disorderly idle
Apprentice .

Cont to Labor

ColebournMary< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath of
Thomas Crane< no role > a Watchman of Bridewell Precinct London for being found
upon a Bed in the House of Elizabeth Perkins< no role > in the said Precinct in an
Undecent Posture with one Thomas Madghew< no role > , and being a disorderly idle Woman


WalkerMargarett< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath of
James Smith< no role > a Watchman of Saint Martin Ludgate for being found with a
Strange Man at one of the Clock this Morning in the Street and being a loose
idle and a disorderly Common Street Walker.

Cont to Labor

BrownGrace< no role > By Sr Richard Brocas< no role > being charged by the Oath of
Nicholas Stanley< no role > a Watchman of Saint Brides London for Insulting
and Abuseing him on his duly & being a loose idle & a disorderly Street Walker

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