Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050354

Image 354 of 49122nd January 1734

Bethlem }

London Ss:At a Court holden at the said Hospital
of Bridewell on Tuesday the 22d: January 1733/4

Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr . Aldn . President
Robt: Alsop< no role > Esqr . Alderman Trear

The Right Honble. The Lord GowerSr. Richd Brocas< no role > Knt. & Aldn .Sr. Harcourt Masters< no role > Knt. [..]
Sr. Francis Child< no role > Knt & Aldn .Mr. Aldn . PerryThos. Pinder< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Robert Henshaw< no role > Mr. Edward Chewne< no role > George Welham< no role > Esqr .
John Elderton< no role > Esqr .Mr. John Hassell< no role > Mr. John Watts< no role >
Mr. Depty SnartMr. Depty: FarringtonMr. Robt. Hall< no role >
Mr. Saml. Smith< no role > Mr. Depty: PittMr Aldn . Barber
Mr. Robert Fotherby< no role > Mr. Thos: Hassell< no role > Richard Cheek< no role > Esqr .
Marmaduke Alington< no role > Esqr Mr. Henry Godwin< no role > Mr. Robert Bishop< no role >
Mr. Joseph West< no role > Mr. Robert Evans< no role > Mr. Depty Everett
Mr. Robert Glynne< no role > Mr. Philip Scarth< no role > Samuel Palmer< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Edwd. Whitehouse< no role > Mr. Daniel Calcut< no role > Mr. Thos: Russell< no role >
Francis Annesby< no role > Esqr Mr. Allen Webb< no role > Mr. John Pycraft< no role >
Mr. Robt. Pycraft< no role > Mr. Thos: Nash< no role > Mr John Stewart< no role >
Mr. Thomas Skipp< no role > Dr. BarrowbyWilliam Shippen< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Richard Bridgman< no role > Mr. Thomas Cox< no role > Mr. William Russell< no role >
Mr. James Danzie< no role > Mr. William Cooper< no role > Mr. James Phillips< no role >
Thomas Jackson< no role > Esqr Mr. Wm. Brent< no role > Mr. Walter Barnard< no role >
Sr. Robt. Baylis< no role > Knt. Aldn .

Govrs. reced this charge

At this Court the Charge was read to William Shippen< no role > Esqr . Dr. Audley
Sr. George Wynne< no role > John Stracey< no role > Esqr .& Mr. Edward Gilbert< no role > as
Governors of these Hospitals

Comees Report abt Steward of Bethlem finding
Bedding & Cloaths for Lunaticks
in Bethlem}

Upon reading a Report from the Committee of this Hospital bearing date the
18th day of January last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr
Alderman Treasurer Mr. Deputy Valentine Brewis< no role > Mr Henry Godwin< no role > Mr. Thomas
< no role > Mr. Thomas Skipp< no role > Mr. Edward Chowne< no role > Mr. Robert Bishop< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr William Myers< no role > Mr. John Cooke< no role > Mr Nevil Lemon< no role > Mr. Deputy Thomas Davis< no role >
and Capt . Benjamin Hodges< no role > in the Words and figures following Vizt.

In persuance of an Order of Court of the 16 of January instant this Committee
mett to examine and consider the Fees taken by the Steward of Bethlem Hospital and
they find that the Steward never claim'd any Fees on the Admission or discharge of a Patient
but that to prevent Buggs being brought in bedding to the Hospital the Steward provides
bedding for the Patients on their AdmissionAnd that the Steward also furnishes
the Patients with Cloaths from time to time as occasion requires during their Stay in the
Hospital For all which he is paid by the Suretys or Friends of the Patients And when
their friends have sent Apparell for them The Steward has refused to suffer it to be
taken inAnd Samples of the said Bedding and Cloathing being laid before the Committee
and viewed by them They are of Opinion That the Bedding according to the said Samples be
provided by the Steward of the said Hospital for the time being for the Patients at their
Admission & that instead of the prices which have been usually taken by the Stewards for
such Bedding the following prices and no more be paid by the Patients or their Friends Vizt.

the former prices were

For a Bed13 -
Bolster3 -}1 - -
Rugg5 -6 -
Blankett- 4 -- 4 -
a pair of Sheets- 9 -- 10 -
£1..14 -£2..--..-

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