Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010271

Image 271 of 50012th May 1693

& Bethlem
London }

A Court holden at the Hospitall of
Bridewell of Fryday the 12th. of May 1693 .

Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > Knt . & Alderman President

Mr. Trer
Mr. Smith
Mr. Porter
Mr. Depty Perk
Mr. Slaughter
Mr. White
Mr. Attwood
Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Samll. Barker< no role >
Mr. Tenks

Mr. Kemp
Mr. Wilkinson
Mr. Dept Moor
Capt. Philipps
Mr. Lambert
Dept Gardiner
Mr. Pawling
Mr. Leithenlier

Eliz: Watts< no role > P warrt of Sr . Robt. Jeffery< no role > charged by Alice
< no role > wife of Richd. Barrett< no role > for stealings Books &
Silke to the value of 12s. She being her hired sent.

Susanna Kite< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged to he an
dile priffering Pson taken late last light by the
Constable being accused by Thomas white< no role > for
picking his Pockett giving nor Account of her life &

Sarah Hamond< no role > P Warrt. of Lond Mayor being an idle
Vagrant & for pilfering from Eliz: Wilmott< no role > a
parcell of hair & falcely accusing Nicholas Knapp< no role >
in Gravell Lane in Hounsditch of clipping the Coin
of this Realine.

Mitt Humerstone< no role > (an old Prisoner)

Susanna Ralph< no role > (an old Prisoner)
To be sent to her
Father by a Beadle

Mary Harris< no role > (an old Prisoner)
Referred to Sr. Robt. to doe at
he this [..] fitt betwn. her and

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