Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010266

Image 266 of 5007th April 1693

Mary Higgs< no role > Wid:
40s. Gratuity}

Also upon the Humble Peticon of Mary
< no role > (widow and relict of Jeremy Higgs< no role > late
Surgeon of the Hospitalls of Bridewell and
Bethlem Praying that this Court would please
to allow her the Salary of the said Office for the
Quarter wth. will end at Midsumr. next for that
She had entred upon the business of this Quarter &
had at her own Charge Skilfull Surgeon during her
husbands Sickness to attend the bussiness of Sd. Hospitall
It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trer Baker doe
Give and pay unto her 40s. as a Free gratuity of this
Court to beallowed Mr. Trer in his next Account.

The 4 Beadles
of Bridewell
their Gratuities}

Also upon the humble Peticon of the four Readles
of this Hospll. (and the widow of Richd. Cross< no role > decd for the
Usuall Gratuity given unto them of 20s. a piece for
the halfe yeare ending at Lady day last It is Ordered
That Mr. Trear Baker doe pay unto dach of them 20s.
to be allowed Mr. Trear in his next Account.

The 3 Beadles
of Bethlem
their Gratuities}

Also upon the humble Peticon of the three Beadles
or Baskett men of Bethelm Hospll. for their usuall
Gratuityes given unto them of 20s. a piece for the
halfe yeare ending at Lady day lastIt is Ordered
that Mr. Trer Baker doe pay unto dath of them
Twenyt Shillings to be allowd Mr. Trer in his next

Indre dat 22d May 1693.
Indre dat 21th. June 1693.
Indre dat 14 Mar 1693
Indre dat 1s. May 1693
Indre dat 14 Apr 1693.

John Williams< no role > to Richard Child< no role >
George Pitt< no role >
Edward Lawton< no role >
James Edwards< no role >
Samll: Stavely< no role >
Jonathan Gantlett< no role >
Wm. Snell< no role > to Chisr. Green< no role >
Thomas Grindell
Joseph Norman< no role > to Saml Dexter< no role > by Order of Court}
{Mr. Pawling
Mr. Gwinne
Mr. Ererriot
Mr. Robt. Jenks< no role >
Mr. Smallbone
Mr. Browne
Mr. Danll: Taylor< no role >
Mr. Edwd. Bowlsworths< no role > }

New Governor

Also at this Court mr Simon Willmott< no role > Leather Seller was
admitted a Governor of these Hosplls.

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