Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010270

Image 270 of 50028th April 1693

Stocks of Leather in his Roome (wth. he says is his own)
and is and Orderly & carefull p son & deserves inconvagent.
It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trer Baker doe
give & pay unto him Terme pounds out of the proffits
of Mr Locks Gift the better to enable him t manage
this sd. Trade to be allowed Mr. Trer in his next Account,

John Barr< no role >

Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr. John
< no role > and Mr. Bartho: Fillingham< no role > (two of the
Governors of these Hosplls. That upon Inquiry they
doe find That John Barr< no role > Glover (who was Brought
up Apprentice with Peter Hebb< no role > Glover late one of the
Artsma of this Hospll: And since made a Freeman of
this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court) is sett
up for him selfe n his Sd. Trade and is in an hope full
way to live happily therein it is Ordered by this
Court That Mr. Trer Baker doe give and pay unto him
Terme pounds out of the profitts of Mr. Locks Gift the better
to enable him out manage his said trade To be
allowed Mr. Trer in his next Account.

New Governors

Mr. John Fellows< no role > Mercht . in Fenchurch Streetse at Mr.
Deputy Gardiners nominacon &
Mr. Richd. Parle< no role > Mercht . in Grace church Streete at Mr.
Bassano's nominacon.

Boys to be putt
Aprentice }

Geo: Cole< no role >
Robt: Best< no role > }
at the nominacon of{
Collll. Cuthbert
Justices Vunderhill

Boy to be made

Jos: Reyner< no role > late Apprentice to Mr. John Brown< no role > to be
made Free

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