Margaret Gudding< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt Jeffery< no role >
Charged by
Samll. Pargiter< no role >
for picking her Master Pockett of 16s.
Eliz: Betton< no role >
P warrt. of Sr
. Robt Jeffery< no role >
charged by one
Mr. Shrowsbridge her Master for cheating him of
an hatt and Some Linnen
To Labr: till next Court her
Mar. to be at the Charge
Mary Flying< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Wm Turner< no role >
charged on Oath
by Jane Saunders< no role >
for violently assaulting beating
and abusing her last night at Fleete bridge.
Mary Shasby< no role >
charged by Anne Baker< no role >
for Stealing from
her three Gold ring, wth she confessed, and which
She has pawned
Mary Roberts< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robert Gefferye< no role >
by Ruth Wilson< no role >
for robbing her and by 2 other
persons on Suspicon of robbing them or being
conserned with a man that did robb her
To Labr.
Eliz: Atkins< no role >
P Wart. of Lord Mayor being a Person
of ill note and making a Disturbance at Mr.
Eleanor Gunter< no role >
(from the Sessions)
To Labr. till nest
Eliz: Clashby< no role >
Upon Readng unto this Court the Report of a
Generall Comittee of the Hospll. of Bethlem of the 26th.
of January last concurring and Agreeing with a Report
of the 31th. of December last for Experience to be made
for one yeare of a Nurse in the Hospll. of Bethlem with
this Alternacon and addition only to the former Report
Vizt. That
Elizabeth Clashby< no role >
who is an Experienced and
able person about the Lunaticks be the Nurse and
that another Servant be taken into her Roome And that
the Nurse's Wages six pounds for the yeare and noe more
This Court doth confirme the said Report and Order that
the same be observed accordingly.