to Bethlem at
Also upon the Humble Peticon of
James Wainwright< no role >
Cittizen and Haberdasher
of London
Shewing that he is
in arreare for keeping his son in Bethlem Hosptl. for
about 5 years at 5s. a weeke wch. amounts to about £63:14s
That being reduced to a Low Condicon and having a wife
and 9 Chren unprovided for he did lately Peticon the
Right Honoble. the Lord Mayor and Court of Alderman
That they would be pleased to returne him the fine of
£400 wch. he formerly paid for Alderman and Sheriffe
of this Citty That the said Court had given him assurances
that they would enable him to cheer the said Hospll. either
out of Such Fines as Should come in or otherwise humbly
praying thereof a mittigacon of the said weekly paymt.
of 5s. for the future notwithstanding the said arreares
And that this Court would please to respite the said
arreares till the Court of Alderman should be pleased
to Order the payment thereof or enable him the Petr.
thereunto And upon reading the Order of the Court of
Aldermen recomending the Deplorable Condicon and
Singular Case of the Petr. to this Court This Court
upon Consideracon thereof doe think fitt and Soe
Order That the said arreares he respited till the
Court of Aldermen shall enable the said
Wainwright< no role >
to pay the Same
[..] this Court shall
thinke fitt to make further Order therein And
that for the future Two shillings a weeke and noe
more he paid for the said Lunaticke Security being
given in a weeke for the paymt. thereof.
Eliz: Dickenson< no role >
1:16:4 towards
the Charge of Jon.
Green< no role >
s Funerall}
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Dickenson< no role >
sister to
John Green< no role >
late one
of the Beadles
of Bethlem Hospll. who was about
Tenne yeares a Servant there and for about
Five months Languished of a Distemper of wch. he
dyed very poor That the Charge of his funerall
amounted to £1:16s:4d. praying that the same
may be born by the said Hosptl. It is by this Court
Ordered accordingly.