Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010261

Image 261 of 50017th March 1693

Sr. Robt. Jeffery< no role >
Elected Presidt .}

This Court being Chiefly called and appointed for
the Electon of a President of the hospitalls of
Bridewell and Bethelem London in the Room and
Stead of the Right Worspll. Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > Knt . lately
deced And thereupon this Court Proceeding
acordingly to the Eleccon of a President of the said Hosplls.
And the Right Honoble. Sir John Fleete< no role > Knt . Lord Mayor
of this Citty the Right Worspll: Sr. Patience Ward Sr .
Robert Jeffery< no role > and Sr . Thomas Stamp< no role > Knt . and Alderman
of the said Citty being thereunto nominated It
appeared That the said Sr . Robert Jeffrey< no role > was
Unanimously Elected President of the said Hospitalls
Whereupon It is Ordered That Daniel Baker< no role > Esqr .
(Trear of the same Hosplls:) Sr . Gabriell Roberts< no role > and
Sr . Thomas Vermon< no role > Knts . and Mr. Deputy Gardiner Mr.
Deputy Brerewood Mr. John Cross< no role > Mr. Wilkinson and
Lient. Collll. Beaker be desired forth with to attend the
said Sr . Robert Jeffery< no role > and to acquaint his Worshipp
therewith and to desire his worspp to accept thereof

John Heming< no role >
Younger Beadle }

Also at this Court upon the Humble Peticons of John
< no role > Portersman of the Hospll. of Bridewell & Thomas
< no role > Weaver for one of them to be Elected Beadle of
the said Hospll: in the Room of Richard Cross< no role > lately
decd and they being Senally putt into nominacon It
plaintly appeared by plurality of hands That the said John
< no role > is duly elected thereunto whereupon It is
Ordered by this Court That the said John Heming< no role > be
admitted Youngest Beadle of the said Hospll: during
the Pleasure of this Court.

Charles Vaughan< no role >
Porters man

Also upon the Severall humble Peticons of Charles
Vangham the aforesaid Thomas Martin< no role > and William Worley< no role >
Glover and Joseph Gipps< no role > Weaver for one of them to be
Elected Porters Man or Turnkey of bridewell Hospitall
in the place of the said John Heaming and they being Senally
putt in nominacon for the same it plainly apeared by
plurality of hands that the said Charles Vaughan< no role > is Duely
Elected to the said Office Whereupon It is Ordered by this
Court That he be admitted Porters man or Turnkey of
the said Hospll: during the Pleasure of this Court

Govrenrs. admd.

Also at this Court Mr Samll Sheppard< no role > Mr Edwd Cradock< no role > and Mr
Burroughs were Admitted Governs of these Hospll

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