since that time any other legal settlement in any
other place, Andupon any the [..]
It being insisted on by the Councell for the
Ch: & Ov: of the poor of the said parish of Tottenham [..] High Cross
thatthe saidin consideration that the sd Richard
Bouts< no role >
paid soe great a rent as £10. a yeare [..]
for the said premisses thesaLandlord of the sd
premisses was at his own charge to pay the
Rate charged in respect thereof towards the
releif of the poor of the said parish (wch.
amounted inthose yearessome of the said
Yeares to nine pence & in one of the said yeares
to [..] twelve pence in the pound) which Rate [..]
by Law was chargeable & ought to have been
charged upon the said Richard Bouts as
Tennt. or Occupyer of the same premisses,
And that therefore It ought not by Law to
be deemed that the said Richard Bouts< no role >
paid soe great a rent as £10. a yeare for the