to wit
W Booth
WHEREAS it appeareth unto Us, whose Hands and Seals
are hereunto set, Two ofHisMajesties Justices of the
for theCounty of Middlesex
Out of the Quorum
[..] ) upon the Complaint of the Church-Wardens and Over-
seers of the Poor of the Parish ofSaint Luke
in the said Countythat
John abchurch< no role >
Elizabeth< no role >
his Wife
Hanna< no role >
her Daughter
Aged about Two Years & a half &
John< no role >
a son aged
about One year ando quarter
Didlately come into the said Parish, endeavoring to settle
themselvesthere without giving Notice in Writing to the said
Church-Wardens, or Overseers of the Poor, or any one of them, of the
House oftheirabode in the said Parish, according to
the Statute in that Cafe made and provided; And that the saidJohn
Abchurch together with Elizabeth his Wife
& two
Children are
likely to became chargeable to the said Parish: And whereas it appeareth
unto us,upon the Examination of the said Jno Abchurch
taken upon Oath We do Adjudge
thatthey werelast legally settled in the Parish of
St andrew Undershaft
in the City of London
Thos Robe< no role >
These are therefore inhisMajesties Name strictly to Charge and Com-
mand you and every of you, forthwith upon sight hereof to remove and
convey the saidJno Abchurch Elizabeth his Wife & said two
Childrenfrom the said Parish ofSaint Luke
in the said Countyfrom the said Parish ofSaint Andrew
in the City of London
and deliverthemunto the Church-Wardens and Overseers of the
according to Law:Hereof
[..] nit at your
[..] Given
[..] Hands
and Seals ,thethirtiethday ofNovemberin thefourthYear
of the Reign of our SoveraignLord George 2dby the Grace of God,
of Great Britain, France, and Ireland,KingDefender of the
Etc Annoq; Dom& so forth & in the year of
Our Lord 1733
To the Churchwardens and Overseer of the Poor
of the Parish ofSt Luke
in the County of Middlesex
And to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
Poor of the Parish ofSt Andrew Undershaft
in the City of London
And all others whom it doth or may concernEtc
Printed by Cler, Coning by, at the [..] Bottle against Clifford Inn Back-Gate in Fetter-Lane, Fleet Street