Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502970094

Image 94 of 14631st December 1733

Middx to Wit

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the Parish of St. Paul Shadwell in the County
of Middlesex , And to the Churchwardens and
Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St.
Giles without Cripplegate in the Citty of
London and every of them

John Huslley< no role >
Henry Dodson< no role >

Whereas Complaint hath been made unto us Two
of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the said
County of Middx (where of one is of the Quorum)
by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor.
of the Parish of St. Paul Shadwell abovesaid
that Sarah Winington< no role > aged about Five
years and Margarett Winington< no role > aged about
Two years and a half both the lawfull Issue
of Francis Winington< no role > Marriner and Jane< no role >
his wife have been lately left in the said Parish
contrary to Law And by was on of their tender
Age and Poverty are become Chargeable to the
said Parish and will be a further and greater
charge thereto if not speedily prevented all
which wee the said Justices of the Peace do
find and Adjudge to be true And Whereas it
further also Appeareth unto us the said Justices
of the Peace upon Oath that the said Francis
< no role > was last legally settled in the
Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate in the
Citty of London abovesaid Wee do therefore Adjudge
the said Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate
to be the place of the last legall Settlement of the
said Francis Winington< no role > and that the said
Sarah Winington and Margarett Winington his
Children (in right of him) ought by Law to be
sent thither

These [..]
to Command you forthwith to Pass and Convey the
said Sarah Winington< no role > and Margarett Winington< no role >
from and out of the said Parish of St. Paul
Shadwell to the said Parish of St. Giles without
Cripplegate and deliver them to the Churchwardens
and Overseers of the Poor there or to some or one
of them who are hereby required them to receive
and provide for According to Law Given
under our Hands and Seals this 31st. day of
December 1733.

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