From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
June 9th. 1772
Resolved that the Crossings to be made in the New Paved Streets be
under the direction of the Commissioners only.
Geo: Box< no role >
. Clerk
to the Commrs.
Parish of Saint
Clement Danes.
At a Meeting of the Committee of Pavement Elected and
appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament in the Vestry Room of
Saint Clement Danes
the 11th. day of June 1772.
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair.
Mr. RainforthMr. Roberts.
Mr. SeagerMr. Sumner
Mr. IrelandMr. Thos: Price< no role >
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair.
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed.
In pursuance of the Statute this Committee Met and made and signed
a Rate or Assessment of One Shilling in the Pound upon all and every Person or
Persons inhabiting holding Using occupying Possessing or enjoying any Land
Ground House Shop Wharf Warehouse Coachhouse Stable Cellar Vault Building
Tenement or Hereditament whatsoever within this Parish (except those Paved
under the Optional Clause) for the Purposes of Repairing Cleansing and Lighting
the several Squares Streets Lanes and other Places and for other purposes in the said
Act mentioned Also at the same time made and signed a further Rate or Assessment of Six
Pence in the Pound upon all and every Persons before mentioned who Inhabit hold use
Occupy Possess or enjoy any Land Ground House Shop Wharf Warehouse Coachhouse
Stable Cellar Vault Building Tenement or Hereditament whatsoever (except as aforesaid)
or such part thereof as upon this Day are Paved by Virtue of an Act or Acts made
in the 2d.3d.4th.5th. or 11th. Years of his present Majesty's Reign so far as the
Pavements so compleated do extend Also at the same time made and signed One
other Rate or Assessment of 6d. for every Square yard of Pavement belonging to