The state of the Hospitall to Consider what Court ought to be taken for the
Repairing or Rebuilding of the same for the rendring it more usefull to
the ends thereof, also to view all and every or any the Mannors Lands
Tenemts Missed woods underwoods Timber and Timber trees belonging
to this Hospitall and to treat and contract wth: such person or persons as
they shall think fitt concerning the prinsses or anie part thereof and
generall doe and Execute and cause to be done and Executed all and
every such other matter and things relating to this, Hospitall or to
the revenew or Governmt: thereof as they shall think meet & convenient
for the Service & benefitt of the said Hospitall and to Report their
proceedings therein at & to the next Generall Court of Governours of
this Hospitall
And the Court takeing notice that by the Ancient Rules and Orders
of this house the performance of divine Service publickly in the
Chappell belonging to this Hospitall twice every day through out
the yeare at certaine houses for that purpose appointed is and hath
beene al waited deem'd a Duty incumbent upon the hospitales of this
house for the tune being and that Mr: Turner the prsent hospitales
therof hath of late very much neglected that Duty, he is called in & having
beene blames for that neglect, is further told that the house Expects this better
performance of that duty for the future; But he acquainting the Court that
his personall performance thereof will take up more of his time then can
well be pared from his Ministry in the Neighbouring pairsh of St: Thomas
where he hath Cure of Soule's
And therefore makeing
if his humble request the this Court will be pleaed to nominate some
other to do that Duty in his stead every day Except Sunday on which
day he purposes to Performe it himselfe and he the said Mr: Turner
proposing to allow for that service for such person so nominated as
aforesaid Eight pounds per Annum to be paid by the house quarterly
by Equall portons out of his said Mr: Turner's Sallery, The Court there
unto agrees and having upon his the said Mr: Turners recommendation
Appointed Mr.
Dennis Cooling< no role >
to the perfomance of the said
duty from the personall performance whereof at prsent the said
Mr: Turner desires to be Excused as aforesaid
Ordered That £8: per: Ann: be paid by this house to the
said Mr: Cooling quarterly by equal percons out of the Sallary of the
Said Mr: Turner dureing the paid Mr: Cooling's performance of the
Service to which he is so appointed as aforesaid, And the pleasure of this
Court and for his the said Mr: Coolings better incouragemt: To performe
Carefully the paid Duty, It is Further Ordered That during his
performance thereof and the pleasure of this Court he the said
Mr. Cooling shall have the further Annuall sume of £12 allowed &
paid him by this house quarterly by equal porcond as aforesaid sett