St Thomas's Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

20th February 1678 - 16th July 1735

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMTHMG553010073

Image 73 of 45814th September 1687

Memoranded: That the proceedings hereafter
following were transacted in part of the time that this Hospital
was managed by order of Comissioners in the intervals between
the time of entering the Judgement in the Quo Warranto
against the Cities Character and the Reversal of that Judgemt
by Act of Parliament

St: Thomas
hospitall }

At a General Court held at
the said Hosptial the Fourteenth day of September Anno
Dui 1687 : Annoq Regin Regis Jacobi Scdi Angr: Et

Tw should have been Entred
retre in Fol: (33:)

Then and there being present the Several Governors. of the said
Hospital after named (Vizt:)

Sr: Wm Hooker< no role > Knt : Prsidemt
James Reading< no role > Esqr : Trear

Sr: Peter Daniel< no role >
Sr . Simon Lewis< no role >
Sr . Roger L'estrange< no role > }
knts :

Antho: Rawlings< no role >
Joseph Reeve< no role >
Samll: Lewin< no role > }
Esqrs :

Ralph Snow< no role >
Wm Hooker< no role >
James Peirse< no role > }
Esqrs .

Mr: Xto: Marshall< no role >
Mr: Rogers Mingay< no role >
Mr. Jno: Wase< no role >
Mr: Jno: Page< no role >

Mr. Wm Smith< no role >
Mr. Jno. Potts< no role >
Mr. Jno. Roll
Mr. John Bateman< no role >
Mr. Jno: Gerrard< no role >
Mr. Wm Gibbes< no role >
Mr. Tho: Rossey< no role >

Mr. Tho: Aungier< no role >
Mr. Nichol: Smith< no role >

The several agreements made by the Grand Committee of Governors of this
Hospital with Severall persons for leases to be made to them respectively of certains
Monnors Lands & Tenements belonging to the same Hospital in the same
agreements respectively expressed, and all other the proceedings of the said Comittee
being Read and considered This Court Concurred with the said Comittee in
every perticuler and accordingly ordered et.

The Accompt of Mr: Treasurer ending at Michaelmas 1686 was this day
presented to and published and approved by this Court.

Then the Court agreed that the right Worshipfull

Sr: Willm: Looker< no role > . Knt : & prsident
James Reading< no role > Esqr : Trear
Sr: Peter Daniell: Knight

Sr: Roger: Lestrange< no role > .
Sr : John Lethelcine}

Joseph: Reeve< no role >
Autho: Rawlins< no role >
Ralph: Snow< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. :
Willm: Hooter
James: Pearse
Samuell: Lewin< no role > }
Esqrs :

Mr. Willm: Gibbs< no role >
Mr: Willm: Linton< no role >
Mr. Jonadal Ballam< no role >

Mr: Hobbs
Mr: Page
Mr: Henry Dixon< no role > }

Mr: John: Bateman
Mr: John:Gerrard Mort
Mr: Thomas: Aungier< no role >
Mr: Nicholas: Smith< no role >
Mr: Thomas: Soper
Mr: Robert: Clarke
Dr: Robert: Brady< no role >
Mr: Choger: Mingay Mort
Mr: John: Biggsby
Mr: Francis Chamberlaine< no role >
Mr: John: Wase
Mr: John: Page
Mr: John: Vatts< no role >
Mr: Thomas: Kentish

Orany Seaven or more of them whereof the said president of
the said Treasurer to be out be a standing Comittee from time to time [..]

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