To the Rt. Woppfull his Maties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middx
The humble Petition and Appeale of the
Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the
Parish of St. Michael Bassishaw
in the City of
That by Warrant or Order dated the tenth day of
January last
under the hands and Seals of
Fuller< no role >
Richd. Browne< no role >
two of his Maties
Justices of the Peace
for the said County of Middx
(Quor nuns)
Katherine Day< no role >
was removed from
the Parish of St. Sepulchres in the said County to yor.
Peticonrs. said Parish of St. Michael Bassishaw
the place of her last legal Settlement.
That yor. Peticonrs. find themselves aggrieved by
the said Warrt. or ordr. of the said two Justices, and
humbly Appeale agat. the same to this Court.
Yor. Peticonrs. therefore humbly Pray
yor. Wopps will be pleased to ordr. the
Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poore
of the said Parish of St. Sepulchers
and all
other persons concerned to attend this Court
some day this Prsent Sessions to hear &
abide the Judgmt. and determinacon of
this Court upon and touching the sd. Appeale
And yt. yor. Peticonrs. may have such
relief herin as to yor. Wopps shall seem
meet Etc.
And yor. Peticonrs. shall pray Etc.