the aforesaid ratea rate made for releife of the poor of the sd parish wch. appeares to be dated on the 17th. day
of Janry last
& to be signed by Jon Hudson< no role >
& Jon Clarke< no role >
: of the sd parish but not by any of the Overseers
of the poor thereof, And upon hearing of what
was insisted on by Mr. Serjt. Whittaker of Councell for
the sd Appellant & alsoe by the Chwdens
: of these [..]
parish who alledged that they were not served wth.
a coppy of the sd. appeale & order of this Court untill
yesterday & were not now soe well pr pared to make their
defence in the prmes as they could [..] have been
in case they had had more early notice of the sd
appeale, It is ordered by this Cort that the hearing
& determining of the mre of the sd appeale be
adjorned untill Tuesday the one & thirtieth day of
may next
at eight of the clock in the forenoon, and
that the sd Appellant & alsoe the Chwdens: & Overseers
of the poor of the sd parish & all other psons
concerned doe then attend this Cort at
in St. John street
in this County to heare & abide
their Inthe Judgmt. & determinacon of this Cort touching
the said appeale, and the sd Chwdens: & Ov: of the poor
are hereby required to pduce the sd. rate before
this Cort at the same time,