W: Conne
Whereas due proof hath been made before Us.
William Coune< no role >
Michael Crake< no role >
. Two of his Majestys
Justices of the Peace
for the Said County and Liberty
Inhabiting in the parish of St. Martin in the feilds
in the
County and Liberty aforesaid, Upon Oath of
Mary Mullins< no role >
single Woman
(Mother of a Male Bastard Child born
the Eighth day of January instant
in the Said Parish
not yet Baptized) That one
Gilbert Nelson< no role >
of Round
in the Said Parish Drugget Man
, did beget on the
Body of the Said
Mary Mullins< no role >
the Said Male
Child, which Said Child is now Chargable to the Said
of Which the Churchwardens and Overseers thereof
have Complained
Mich: Crake< no role >
Wee the Said Justices on Examination of ye
Mary Mullins< no role >
Mother of the Said Male Bastard
Child, and other Convinceing Circumstances Us hereunto
moving touching the father of the Said Child
Do hereby Adjudge and Declare the Said
Gilbert Nelson< no role >
to be the Reputed Father thereof, And thereupon Wee do
order, as well for the Releife, as to save harmless and
indeminfyed the Said Parish, As for the Maintaining and
keeping of the Same Male Bastard Child, That the Said
Gilbert Nelson< no role >
shall forthwith upon Sigld of
this our Order (a true Copy thereof being first delivered
to him) Pay or cause to be paid unto the Churchwardens
or Overseers of the Poor of the Said Parish of Snt. Martin
in the feilds
, for and towards the Monthly Lying Jur
and Laying of the Said
Mary Mullins< no role >
, the Sume of Forty
Shillings of Lawfull Mony of Great Brittaine for the
first four Weeks from the Birth of the Said Child
And after the Expiration of the first Four Weeks the Said
Gilbert Nelson< no role >
shall likewise pay or Cause to be paid
Weekly and Every Week the Sume of Two Shillings and
Six Pence of like lawfull Moneys for, and towards the releife and
Maintenance of the Said Male Bastard Childe for so long
time as the Said Child shall be chargable to the Said
And Lastly Wee do Order that the Said Gilbert
Nelson< no role >
do forthwith Give Sufficient Security to the Church
wardens and Overseers of the Poore of the Said Parish
for the true Performance of this our Order, Otherwise [..]
to find Sufficient Sureties for his Personall Appea [..]
Appearance at the next Generall Sessions of the Peace [..]
be Holden for the County of Middelsex
, There to Cunswere her [..]
Contempt, And to abide by Such Order as the Court shall think
fit to make therein. Given under our Handes and Seales
this Eleventh Day of January Ano. Dom. 1714