To the Rot. Worpfull. their Matics Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx
That humble peticon of George Botts< no role >
That your peticoner not long since become bound
before Mr. Eyton for one
Henry Ockleby< no role >
who at
the Complainte of one
Anne ostisse< no role >
was bound over
to appeare in this honoble. Counte. but your peticoner
bring informed that the sind
Henry Ockleby< no role >
since absconded himselfe your peticoner went and
requested of the prosecution to
[..] discharge the Defendant
which she hate consented unto and is willing to
Release the Defendant wholly upon your piticoners
Therefore yor peticoner being a poor man
most humbly prayer that Henery
Ockleby< no role >
Recognizance may be
discharged being there is not Psecutcon
the prosecutor haveing given her
free consent thereunto and very willing
to release him
And yor peticonr shall now pray