To the Rt: Worpll: their Maties: Justices of the peace
for the County of Middx assembled in Qr. Sections
The humble Peticon of Susannah Johnson< no role >
That ye Petr: hath had Severall Threats and abused
done to yr Petr: by
Leonard Scott< no role >
who now Stands bounds
over to this Sessions to keep the peace towards yor
Petr: and Since he hath been bound over he hath
continued his Abuses to ye Petr: in so much that ye
Petr: is still in fear of some Bodily hurt or other
Injury to be done by him
ye Petr therefore humbly pray of [..]
Worpll: Bench that he may be continued
upon his Recognizance to keep the peace
towards yr Petr. that She may goe
Peaceably about her lawfull occasions
And ye Petr Shall ever pray Etc.