Peticon of John Jewkes< no role >
& other
Petr must pay Etc
Sealing of Confirmed
Order made
To the Right Worpth. their maties Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlx
The humble Peticon of John Jewkes< no role >
, Timothy Ware< no role >
John Bowyer< no role >
, Matthew Deane< no role >
and John Deane< no role >
Inhabitants. within the Parish of St. Leonard
in this County wth divers others.
That: your Peticoners are lately appointed to be Rated to pay towards the Scavengers
Book in the said Parish of St Leonards Shoreditch, and the
Said John Jewkes< no role >
, is now Mason Scavenger
for the said Parish
not with standing your Petioners dwells in Kings Land Road
and have nothing to doe with the pavements neither did
your peticoners in times past over pay towards cleansing the
[..] Streets or carrying a way the dirt Therefore your
Peticoners pray the direction of this Hontlls. Court whether
they that live on the high way, and distant from the pavem
-ments ought to pay towards the Scavengers Pwok or can
to Lawfully [..] chosen into the said office of Scavenger
And your Petioners Shall pray Etc a