The humble Peticoner
John Read< no role >
& Elizth< no role >
[..] to attend his w [..]
referred to the Justices att
their next monthly meeting
1st Munday in the may
Order made
Midds ss
Ad genal Quarterial Session paris due Regis & due Rue
tent & Com Middx apnd Hickshall in St John Street
in Coud prd P adjorn die Martis Scilt vicesime primo die
Aprilis Anno regin Din & due urord Gulielun & Marie
Deigra Augl Etc tertio
Itt is ordered by this Court that the Chappellwarden of the Hamblett
of Wapping whitechappell in the parish of St Mary Whitechappel
in this County upon notice of this our order doe attend this Court [..]
on Friday next att term of the clock in the forenoon to shew cause
why [..] he refuses to [..] reimburse the Peticonr & the mony by
them expended forreleifplaceing out the Children within named [..]
and pvideing them Clothes & necessarys, as he will answer the
contrary at his Pill.
P. Cur. & Harcourt.