To the Worntt their Majts: Justices of Ye Peace for the County of
Middx now atting at Hicks Hall in ye Said County:-
The humble Peticon of William Johnson< no role >
That yr Peticoner being brought up Sadler
intermarried wth:
Eleanor< no role >
his now
by whome he hath one were Child living which wife and child yr: Peticoner whilst he was
able maintained agreable to his degree by his own Industry and Trade
That Sometime Since it pleased God to Visit yor: Peticonr: wth: a Paralettick
distemper whereby he hath lost is use of one Side and his Speech Soe that he is disabled
from working or getting any livelyhood himself and having lately been to try his Friend
hath failed to obtaine any help towards effecting a Cure
That ye: Peticonrs: Said wife in ye time of yor: Peticonrs: Seeking for a cure
hath gotten into a in to maintaine her Self & Child at noe ordinary rate & yrs: Petrs
being thies become hi [..] less diel repaire to her & civilly desire to live with her & only
P take of her subscib [..] desireing being thus disabled only to have lodging as dyett
wth: her & to be kept a [..] rn to make his life as comfortable as possible soe long as God Stand
pmitt declaring if St [..] had rather come to him he would provide lodging & if She coud [..]
not get a lively here [..] fe would bey for them all or doe what he was capable to be as little
burthensome as able
That [..] thelets soe it is may it please yor: Worships yt: one Samuell Blackman< no role >
and Some other [..] oed persons finding they cane make an advantage of yr. Peticonr.
wife have Soe [..] to live with them refusing to recomend yor: Petr or to goe can
him to her that [..] king to take her from them they vilely psconded her privately
to Swear yr peace [..] or Peticonr who never did nor meant her yo. least Justices
and have lately [..] arrant taken yor. Peticoner out of Bedd and cruelly betten
and carried [..] Justice of peace where for want of Suretys not being able
Speak to dut [..] grievances he is comitted to new prison where yor: Peticon
Lyes now [..] able conclicon and is like to parish under his distemper
with [..] less relieved in time by your Worshipps
[..] please your worshipps to comiserate ye Sad and deplorable
[..] Peticoner who hath lived will in ye world Hill this disabled
[..] peiconer be discharged from prison & that his said
[..] him to her or come to live with him and look after
[..] that he may not perish for want And to
[..] Blackman and her wife for [..]
[..] lausing Strife without carife as [..]
chil yor feliconer Shall mevital [..]
And dour Petr Shall ever [..]