John Meltons< no role >
To the Right Worll: There Maties: Justices
of the Peace for the County of Midds now Sitting
att Hixes Hall In St. John Streete
The Humble Peticon of John Melton< no role >
one of their Matyes: Penshioners
Shewing, that yor. Petr: owing some arrears of Rent to
his Landlord
Robert Kittlewell< no role >
; and yor; Petr: went downe to
their Matyes Fleet to receive some money's due to him; to pay
his Landlord & as foone, as ever yar Petr was gon: the Said
Landlord turned yor Petrs [..] out of Ivares contras is to Agreemt.
made before Witness; seired his goods & unlawfully of praised them
and alsoe detainds all his writings; & stores upon the walls due
to him to the utter rain & undoeing of yor Petr his wife & Childe
handing Imburelled yor. Petrs: goods
Therefore yor Petr most humbly be see cheth
yor worlls. to take the Punissed into yor Serious &
Pios Consideracons and Coniserate his Condicon
Flying unto yor Worrlls for Justice agt. the said
Robert Kittlewell< no role >
; for his unjust dealeings agt.
yor Poore Part his Wife & Childe; That hee and
they may have Satisfaccon for his Cruelty & unjust
dealeings agt. them As to yor Worlls: in yor most
Graue wisdom's Shall seem meet.
And yor. Pet; Shall ever pray Etc.