Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

19th May 1743 - 22nd February 1753

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556020503

Image 503 of 55916th January 1752

Moneys to be due to them on account of any Service or Services
by them done in relation to any Publick Matters under the
Direction of his Majesty< no role > 's Justices of the Peace of this County,
And to make their Report to the Court touching the Premisses
on the County Day of the next Sessions.

By adjournment on Thursday the 16th. Day of
January 1752 .

Order for Mr. Higgs the
Treasurer to pay Sevl.
Sums of Money to Workmen
for Work done to Hicks Hall.

It is Ordered by this Court that Mr. John Higgs< no role > Treasurer of
this County do pay into the Several Persons hereunder or named
for Work and Repairs and necessary Matters by them respectively
done under the direction of Boulton Mainwaring< no role > Esqr . to the
Sessions House called Hicks Hall in St. John Street in this
County the respective Sums of Money hereunder Specifyed
written over against their respective Names (to wit)

To John Rayner< no role > Plumber £4.19s.6d
To Nathaniel Larkin Smith£0.18s.6d
To Francis Thompson< no role > for Matting£0.18s.0d
To Richard Williams< no role > Glazier £0.12s.8d
To John Rogers< no role > for a Copper for the Justices£0.19s.0d

Which Several Sums of Money amount in the whole to the Sum
of Eight Pounds Seven Shillings and eight Pence, and the
respective Receipts of the Said Several Persons Shall be
Sufficient Discharges to the Said Treasurer for Such respective

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