one Shilling value more or less And it is further ordered by this Court
that Printed Copys of this Order be transmitted to the Respective
Justices of the peace
of this County.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 20th. Day of Febry 1752
Order that no Petition for
discharging an Apprentice
be recieved after the
second Day of each
Session of the Peace
of Middx
Whereas the dispatching the Business of the Sessions at the Latter
Part of the Sessions Week hath been very much hindred and remided
by hearing the Petitions for discharging Apprentices which being
Preferred late in the Sessions have been Appointed to be heard on
Friday or Saturday in such Week, for preventing such Inconveniencys for
the Future It is Ordered by this Court that no Petition for discharging an
be hereafter Recieved after the Last Sitting of the Court the
second Day of Each Sessions of the Peace
of to this County.
By Adjornment onThursday the 20th. Day of Febry 1752.
Order mentioning that a
verbal direction from the
Court is sufficient Authority
for the Keepers of New
& House of Correction
to bring their Prisoners
before the Court without
drawing up and Order.
for that Purpose.}
This Court being of Opinion that a Verbal Direction from this Court is a
sufficient Authority for the Keepers of New Prison
and the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
in this County to bring any Prisoner in their
respective Custodys before this Court without Having any Order of
Court Drawn up for that Purpose It is ordered that in such Case
the Prosecutor shall not be obliged to pay for an Order.