before one or more of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the
County, to be further Dealt with According to Law And the
Said Respective High Constables and other Peace officers
are Required to be Aiding and Assisting to the Justices of
the Peace of the said County and Each of them, and to
Observe their Orders and Directions for the more Effectuall
Suppresssing & Preventing the Abuses Aforesaid, And it
is further Ordered by this Court That this Order be
forthwith Printed and Poste due in Proper Places for
the Better Notification thereof.
By adjournment on Thursday the Sixteenth Day of
January 1752
Order appointing a
Committee concerning the
Fees of the Keepers of New
Prison & House of Corr
at Clerkenwell
, and
concerning the Accounts
of the Inspectors of the
distempered Cattle, and
other Matters.}
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby
recommended and referred unto his Majestys Justices of the Peace
of this County herein after named (to wit)
Thomas Lane< no role >
The Right Honoble George Earl of Kinnoull,
John Milner< no role >
Henry Butler< no role >
Vigerus Edwards< no role >
Barwell Smith< no role >
Richard Ricards< no role >
John Goodchild< no role >
Philip Dyot< no role >
Thomas Jervis< no role >
George Errington< no role >
George Garrett< no role >
William Withers< no role >
, John
Dekewer, Boulton Mainwaring,
John Lawton< no role >
Walter Berry< no role >
. and Such other Justices of the Peace of
this County as Shall think fit to be present or any three or
more of them as a Committee to meet together at Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
on Tuesday the 18th. Day of February next
at ten of the Clock in the forenoon to consider of the fees taken
by there respective Keepers of New Prison
and the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
in this County and if the Same are
reasonable-and to inspect the Account of the Inspectors
of the distempered Cattle and to State what is due to them
thereupon, And also to inspect the Account of Mr.
James Wilde< no role >
Clerk to the Justices appointed to take care of the said Cattle,
and to See what Money as due to him for that Service, and also
to inspect the Accounts of any other Person or Persons claiming