(after he Shall have Sufficient Money) pay to the said Inspectors
respectively the respective Sums of Money abovementioned Written
Over against their respective Names, And that their respective
receipts together with this Order shall be Sufficient Discharge
to the said Treasurer
for Such Respective payments,
By Adjornment On Saturday the Sixth Day of July 1751
Order for Mr. John Higgs< no role >
of Middx to
pay £2.6s.2d. to the Church
wardens Etc of St. Clement
Danes for the Charges of
the lying in of Ann
Cherrington Singlewoman
a Vagrant of her male
Bastard Child< no role >
It is Ordered by this Court that Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
of this
County do pay unto the Churchwardens and Overseers of the
Poor of the Parish of St. Clement Danes
in the Said County or
One of them the Same of two Pounds Six Shillings and two pence
for the Necessary Expences which they have been At for the lying
in and Maintenance of
Ann Cherrington< no role > This name instance is in set 949. This set is in the group(s): MothersCD .
Single Woman
a Vagrant
and a Male Bastard child of which she was delivered on the eigth
day of June last in the said Parish And other pendent Charges
She not having a legal Settlement there Which Said
Ann Cherrington< no role >
was examined and Committed by one of
his Majesty< no role >
's Justices
of the Peace of this County to the House of Correction pursuant
to the Statute in Such Case made and provided, this Court upon
Oath in Such behalf made Adjudgeing the said Sum to be a
reasonable Satisfaction for the Charges Which the Said parish
hath been At on Account of the premisses, And the receipt of
the said Churchwardens And Overseers of the Poor or one of
them together with this Order Shall be a Sufficient discharge to
the said Treasurer
for such payment.