Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010248

Image 248 of 56312th October 1738

any part thereof may be properly applyed towards
repairing the Said House of Correction , And to make their
Report to the Court of the next General Session of the peace
for this County on the County day of the Same Session.

By Adjornmt. on Tuesday the 12th. day of October 1738

Order for appointing
Mr. John Allen< no role > high
Constable of Finsbury
Division in the Place &
Stead of Mr. Edward
Hutchings deced}

Whereas Edward Hutchings< no role > Gent high Constable of Finsbury
Division within the Hundred of Ossulston in this County is lately
dead This Court doth appoint John Allen< no role > of the parish of St.
Luke within the Said Division in this County Gent to be high
Constable of Finsbury Division aforesaid in the Place & Stead
of the Said Edward Hutchings< no role > , And doth Order that the Said
John Allen< no role > do forthwith take his Oath in this Court for his due
execution of the Office of high Constable of Finsbury Division

By Adjornmt. on Friday the 13th. day of October 1738

Order for allowing a
County Pension of £3. a
year to John Burt< no role > }

Whereas John Burt< no role > late belonging to his Majesty< no role > 's Ship the
Lark hath exhibited his humble Petition unto this Court
Settingforth That the Petr. whilst belonging to the aforesaid
Ship then under the Comand of Capt. John Grey< no role > in the year One
thousand Seven hundred and twenty eight in the West Indies
as he was on Duty at work had the misfortune to loose one
finger of each hand, which together with old age being near
Seventy Years hath rendred him uncapable of Serving the
Government , or of working for Sustenance for himself and
Family, And the Petr. therefore imploreth this Court to admitt
him a Partaker of the Indulgence granted to disabled &
worn out Seamen, as by An Act of Parliament in that behalf
made in the fourty third year of Queen Elizabeth and
perpetuated in the third year of King Charles the first, for
Setting of County Pentions on Seamen is directed, Now upon
hearing the Petr. his legal Settlement to be in the parish of St.
Martin in the fields in this County where he was formerly a
Housekeeper , and what he further alledged in relation to
his having left his Said fingers, and touching his old age &
incapacity of working for his liveing, and upon produceing a
Certificate from the Comptroller of his Majesty< no role > 's Navy whereby
it appeareth that the Petr. Served his Majesty< no role > on Board the
Said Ship the Lark & another of his Majesty< no role > 's [..] of Warr,

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