This Court being Satisfied that the Said John Burt< no role >
the Petr. is a
person deserving to be admitted as a disabled Mariner
& Pensioner
of this County, and to have a yearly Pension allowed unto him
Doth Order that the Said John Burt< no role >
be and he is hereby admitted
as a disabled Mariner & Pensioner of this County, And this Court
doth assign unto him the Said John Burt< no role >
, And doth Order that he
be allowed a yearly Pension of three pounds, and that the
for the time being of the moneys raised or to be raised
for releif of maimed Soldiers & Mariners within the Hundreds
of Ossulston
and Gore
in the Said County do yearly &
every year well & truely pay or cause to be paid unto the Said John
Burt the yearly pension or Sum of three pounds of lawfull
money of Great Britain by quarterly payments for & towards
his better Support & maintenance untill Order of the Court of
General Quarter Sessions of the peace for this County to the
contrary And that the Said Pension do commence from
Michaelmas day last past.