for this County as have been Treasurer
for the Said
Hundreds for
the purposes aforesaid on any four of
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of April 1738
Order for appointing Thos.
Trear of the
moneys to be reced for
the Marshalsea, King's
Bench & Hospitalls within
the Hundreds of Elthorne
& Isleworth
for the year 1738}
It is Ordered by this Court that
Thomas London< no role >
Gent be and he
is hereby nominated chosen and appointed Treasurer
of the
moneys collected and received or to be collected and received
for the Marshalsea King's Bench and Hospitalls
for the
Hundreds of Elthorne
, Spelthrone
, and Isleworth
in this
County for the year One thousand Seven hundred and
thirty eight.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of April 1738
Order for Adjourning
a matter concerning
such part of Chertsea
as is in Middx,
without day}
Whereas a Report hath been expected for divers Sessions
last past to be delivered into the Court of the Sessions of the
peace for
the Saidthis County from a Committee of Justices of
the peace for the Said County concerning repaires
wanting & necessary to be done to Such part of Chertsea
as is in the Said County, and the charge & expence
of repairing the Same, and finding timber & other
materials for that purpose, And no Report of the Said
Matter haveing been yet delivered into or transmitted
to this Court, It is Ordered by this Court that the aforesaid
matter be adjourned without day.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 13th. day of April 1738
Order for Preventing the
misapplication of moneys
reced upon Convictions
for Selling Geneva or
other Spirituous liquors
[..] quantity than two
gallons, without
Whereas Several persons in this County have been convicted
for Selling Geneva on other Spirituous Liquors in less
quantity than two gallons, without Licence, contrary to
the tenor & in contempt of an Act of Parliament made
in the Ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord
King George the Second, intituled, An Act laying a
Duty upon retailing of Spirituous liquors, and for
licensing Retailers thereof, whereby each person so
hath forfeited the Sum of ten pounds, five
pounds whereof hath been paid to the Informer, and
the other five pounds hath been paid to the Churchwardens
& Overseers of the parish where Such Offence was
committed or one of them, to be applyed to the use of
the poor of Such parish, as by the Said Act is directed,
And whereas this Court hath been informed that