Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010236

Image 236 of 56329th June 1738

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order for Mr. John Higgs< no role >
Treasurer of Middx to pay
£14..6s..0d to Mr. Richard
Jupp Carpenter for
making two Sash windows
& in full for work by him
done at Hicks Hall }

Upon information given unto this Court by Nathaniel
< no role > & Robert Tothill< no role > Esquires two of the Kings Justices
of the peace for this County that there is due to Richard
< no role > Carpenter upon his Bill for making of two windows
of Sashes & frames, and glazing the Same with Crown
glass on the west Side of the Court at Hicks Hall , and
making outside Shutters & boults to the Same, and for
doing the Painter's, Plumbers , Bricklayers , & Plaisterers
work occasioned by making the Same windows, the Sum of
thirteen Pounds, and for putting of two Street posts by
the Stone Culloms of the portico Sixteen Shillings, and
for new laying of Stone paving in the Court and the Street
the further Sum of ten Shillings amounting in all to
fourteen pounds & Six Shillings, which the Said Richard
Jupp desires may be paid unto him, It is Ordered by this
Court that John Higgs< no role > Gent Treasurer of this County do
out of the moneys to him paid on account of rent for
the estate belonging is the Same County pay unto the Said
Richard Jupp< no role > the Said Sum of fourteen pounds & Six
Shillings in full of his Said bill, and of all demands for
materials by him found & work by him done at Hicks hall
aforesaid, whose receipt together with this Order Shall be
a Sufficient discharge to the Said Treasurer for Such

By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 29th. day of June 1738

Order for altering the
time of holding the next
General Sessions of the
peace for Middx}

It is Ordered by this Court that the time of holding the next General
Sessions of the peace for the County of Middx (which was intended
to beginn on the fourth day of September one thousand Seven
hundred and thirty eight) be altered, And that the Said next
General Sessions do beginn and be holden at Hicks hall in St.
John Street on Friday the first day of September next, and be
also there holden by adjornment on Saturday the Second
Monday the fourth & Tuesday the fifth days of the Same
Month of September, and So from day to day untill the
finishing the busyness of the Same Sessions, And that this
Order be printed in one or more of the publick News papers
for the better notification thereof.

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