Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000049

Image 49 of 6961st July 1725

County where any Booths shall be erecting or where
they shall be credibly Informed any such Drolls
Plays or Gameing are intended to be Shewed
or carryed on shall Act in the same or like
manner and observe and obey the same Orders
within their respective Jurisdictions Divisions
or Parishes as is before Ordered concerning
the High Constables Petty Constables and other
Officers of Holborne Division And for the better
preventing or Suppressing of the disorders aforesaid
It is also recomended to the Justices of the
Peace wihtin their severall Divisions to
meet together to take and use such Lawfull
means as may most effectuall for preventing
the abuses aforesaid wherein all High
Constables Petty Constables and other Officers
are required to be aiding and assisting with
their utmost diligence as they will answer
the contrary at their peril, And It is further
Ordered by this Court that this Order be
forthwith Printed and Published in one or
more of the Publique News Papers for the
better Notification thereof,

P adjorn Jovis 1o. die July 1725 .

Order for Comrs, for
Licenceing of
Hackney Coaches to
transmitt Coppys of
All their By-Laws &
Admeasuremts. to the
Clerk of the Peace
the use of the
Justices of the peace
of Middx .

It is Ordered by this Court that the Commissioners
appointed for the Licenceing of Hackney Coaches &
Chairs be and they are hereby desired at their
owne Costs and Charges to transmitt to the Clerke
of the Peace of this County or his Deputy before
the Twenty fifth day of August now next ensueing
true Coppys of all their By-Laws and of all

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