forty eight pounds thirteen Shillings and Six pence upon the,
accompt of doeing the repaires aforesaid unto such persons as the
said Comittee of Justices or any three of them shall by writing under their
hands certify the same to be due & payable whose receipts with this Order shall
be sufficient discharges to the said Trear. [..] for such paymts.
And this Court doth further Order that the said Sume of forty
eight pounds thirteen Shillings and Six pence shall be
reimbursed and paid to the said Sr. Henry Penrice< no role >
or the
succeeding Treasure or Treasures for maimed Soldiers and
within the said Hundreds out of the Rents of the
Estate belonging to this County after that the Sumes with
which such Estate already stands charged shall be paid, and
not out of the Moneys raised or to be raised for repairing the
said house of Correction or other prisons belonging to this
P Adjorn Mercury 13 o. die Octobris 1725
Order desireing Sr. Daniel
Dolius Knt< no role >
. Chairman of
this present Sessions to
cause his Charge to be
This Court being sensible that the Charge given by Sr. Daniel
Dolius Knt< no role >
. Chairman
of this present Sessions on Thursday
last being the first day of this Sessions then begun and
holden for this County at Westmr Hall to the Grand Jury
and other Jurys then and there Assembled, is a pious
loyall and learned Charge very much tending to promote
a dutifull real and affection for his Maties person, Royal
Family, Administration and Government the suppression
of Vice and all kinds of Corruption, and well suited and
fitted for the encouragement increase and propagation of
Vertue, and a faithful deligent Discharge of every office
and trust Doth Order that the thanks of this Court be and
they are hereby given to the said Sr.
Daniel Dolius< no role >
for his
said Charge, And this Court doth desire that for the benefit
of the publique the said Sr.
Daniel Dolius< no role >
will be pleased to
cause his said Charge to be printed.
P Adjorn Jovis 14 o. die Octobris 1725
Order to inquire into the
mischeifs occasioned by
the selling of Geneva &
other Strong Liquors Etc}
It haveing been Represented unto this Court that the
number of Retailers of Geneva and other Spirituous Liquors
are very much increased, and that geat mischeif doe wise
by selling the same by retall within the weekly Bills of
in this County, It is ordered by this Court that it be