To the Worshipful His Majesty< no role >
Justices of the Peace
for the City of
in their General session of
the peace Assembled
The Humble Petition and appeal of the
Church wardens and Overseers of the Poor
of the Parish of saint Mary White< no role >
in the County of Middlesex
That by a Pass Warrant or Order
under the hands and Seals of Sir
Watkin Lewis< no role >
Evan Pugh< no role >
two of His
Majestys Justices of the Peace
for the City of
London and Liberties thereof one being of the Quorum
Hester Fox< no role >
a Singlewoman
and her illigimate
Son named
John< no role >
Aged five Months were as
removed and conveyed from and out of the
parish of Saint Bennett Pauls Wharf
in the said
City to the Parish of Saint
Mary White< no role >
in the county of Middlesex
as the place of the
last legal Settlement of the said
Hester and< no role >
her said Child
By Which Order Your Petitioners
conceive themselves to be agrieved
De Appeal to this Court from
the same and pray that your
Petitioners may have such relief
in the Premisses as to your
Worships shall seem meet
And Your Pets ever pray etc
Jno Shutt< no role >
Soll for
appellants Goodmans
3d December 1781