London ss
Katherine Rawson< no role >
of Servt
. to Coll Wharton a member of
Parliamt. being on her Oath on his Majesties behalfe
doth Say that on ye thursday in last whit Sun week wch.
was ye 16th. of May Dom 1695 She this Informant
was in Company wth. one
Mary Groves< no role >
ye Prisoner
here present and told ye Sd. Groves yt She had a
gold Chaine & ring wch. She Intended to sell
because gold was dear & thereupon ye Sd.
Groves< no role >
forceably & Violently
tooktook it out
of this Informants hand & kept it for a white
Staying in this Informts. Company & this Informt.
thinking ye other has Jested forbore at that present to
Crye out and then one Mr.
Soloman Long< no role >
a Tipstaffe
of ye Court of Chancery
came into ye roome and
talked wth. ye Informt. & then this Informt. Saith that
the Sd.
Mary Groves< no role >
Slipt away and Carryed of
the Sd. Gold chaine & ring with her wch. She had Soe
feloniously taken agt. Rawsons Consent
Jurat hoc Decimo Septimo die
Junji Dom 1695
Coram me
Edw Clarke< no role >
Kat Rason
Soloman Long< no role >
abovemenconed being on his Oath
doth Say yt abt. a month or 5 weeks Since he was at ye
Grey hound taverne
in flee str in ye Company of Kathe
Rawson< no role >
& Mary Groves< no role >
and when he had stayed So [..]
time wth. them Mrs. Groves went staying assault tun [..]
and came agen then [..] Mrs. Groves went and came
noe more and Mrs. Rawson then Seemed very uneasey
and at Last Sd. Mrs. Rawson she is gone away with
my chaine & ring I me afraid She'l pawne them
I'de give £5 I had them againe (She have been first
herselfe to took for Groves & cou'd not find her) & then She
said yt Graves had robbed her
Jurat die Suprdict Coram me
Edw Clarke< no role >
Solomon Long< no role >