London Ss
Mary Groves< no role >
this Examt. Saith yt on yr 16th day of
May Dom 1695 She was with Mrs. Rawson at the
hound tavern in Fleet street
and there She
Saith she had on a Chaine & ring wch. Mrs. Rawson
had tent her to wear before she came there
wch. is ye Same chaine and rings wch. Mrs. Rawson
doth now Charge her with She saith of Mrs.
Rawson hath divers goods of her worth abt.
15th. wch. in ye reason of her determining ye Chain
& rings wch. Mrs. Rawson had Sent to her
JuraCapt.. her Vicesrimo Septrimo die
Junji Dom 1695
Coram me
Edw. Clarke< no role >
The Marke of
Mary Groves< no role >