18 May
The Information of
John Barton< no role >
to Mr
Roger Walmsly< no role >
in Castle
in ye parish of St. Lawrence Jury
Taken before me this 18th: of May 1695
This Informant saith upon oath yt since ye first
of this month he hath Exchanged Severall sums
of Broad money for advantage wch one John Cox< no role >
particularly fifty pounds upon ye third of this
month and thirty five pounds a Day or two
after and sixteen pounds on ye tenth Day and
twenty four pounds on ye 17th Day att which time
ye said John Cox< no role >
was apprehended, and this In-
-formant saith ye sd John Cox< no role >
Did usually allow
him four Shillings proffitt for Every pound
Except ye thirty five pound for which he did
allow this Informant but 2s in ye pound proffit
and farther this Informant Saith not
Jurat 18th. May 1695
Tho Lane< no role >
John Barton< no role >