To the Right Honoble. St. John Fleete< no role >
. Lord Maior of
the City of London & other their Maties. Justices of the peace
the same City now assembled att the Generall Quarters Sessions
of the peace London
The humble peticon of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the
of the Parish of St. Bartholomew
the Greate London
That by Virtue of a Warrant order the Hand's & Seals of twoe of their Maties.
Justices of the peace
of the City One
Elizabeth Merry< no role >
late the wife of
Merry< no role >
were sent to yor. Petr. with their three Children to be pvided for and
mainteyned upon the Oath of Merry an Burges That the said The Merry abt.
Seaven yeares past did sent a house in Cloth Fair
in the said Parish And there
continued as an Inhabitant for about halfe a yeare and paid scott and
lost as a Parishoner of the said Parish And hath had not legall Settlemt.
since as by the said Warrant is suggested Whereas in truth the said
Merry< no role >
for about a yeare and a halfe past was an Inhabitant in Cat yard
in Long Lane
in the Parish of St. Sepulchers
London And paid Scott & lott
to the Watch & Scavenger in the said Parish And died there about Five
weekes now last past And never was any settled Inhabitants in the said
Parish of St. Bartholomews
Yor. Pertr. humbly pray that yor. Lordshipps & Worshipps would
be pleased by way of Appeale to hear them in the Prmisses And
to Order that the said Thy. Merry with her Children May be
sent Back to the Parish of St. Sepulchers
were the said Tho Merry< no role >
was Salt legally settled to be Pvided for according to Law.
And yor. Petrs. Shall Ever Pray Etc.