City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040192

Image 192 of 2326th November 1693

November 6

The Informacon of Stephen Carr< no role > 's
Servants to William Reason< no role > of St.
Brides London taken before me this
6th. day of November 1693

Who Saith That on Saturday night last between
eleaven and twelve A Clock this Informant being
in his Masters Shop did hear Senall Psons in
the Streets agree amongst themselves to kill the
first man they should meet, and imediately
afterwards this Informant went tothethe house of
Henry Hutton< no role > since deced and found him dangerously

Jurat die at Anno prd
Coram me
Wm Ashhurst< no role > Mayor

Stephen Davies< no role >

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