City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040177

Image 177 of 23214th November 1693

23 Nov

To the Right honble the lord Majas [..] Cort of Ald [..]
Inpursuance of an Order of this honorble Court
beareing date the fourteenth day of this in the
November we Whose names are Subscribed
have Examined the matter of Abraham
< no role > and Thomas Pershouse< no role > Petion &
doe finde there was imprested to William
< no role > Esqr late Towne clerke of this City
out of the Receife of the Exchep in 1667
for makeing forth fracons at Sheereness .
and other places the Sume of £10000, and that
his Mathw King Charles the Second was pleased
to recomend she makeing those fortifocasons
to the then Lord Major and Courte of Aldren
and Pursuant thereunto the Lord Major &
Severall Aldren did write to Sd. Dennis Garden< no role >
to send provisions to Sheereness for the
Labourers there for which there was due
unto him £60.13s.04d. or some such Sume
for receive whereof the said St Dennis
Garden might grat a better of Attorney
to the said Jaggard in leew of Arreares yt
were due to this City out of a house about that
him purchased by him from the said St Dennis
But it also plainly appears that the said
St Dennis gave and her and later of Attorney
to St Robert Jefferies< no role > to receive the same in
pte of a greater debt due to him And afterwards
the said att of Sheereness was fully stated and
upon the ballance thereof there was £69.5s.8d
remaineing due to the City 10th. Sr. Robert
< no role > after along Sell [..] tason oblegned at
the Treary Board by Vertue of his said letter of
Attorney and by the Ryde of Mr Averges
Rehit and Admr & in full of what St Dennis
could [..] me by the said Writing from the
Lord Major and Aldren as aforesaid

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