London ss
4 Jan
Thos. Stampe< no role >
S Lovell Recordr
Whereas Complaint hath been made unto us, two of their Majesties
Justices of the peace
for the said Cittie of London one being of the Quor by the
Church Wardens and Overseers of the poore, of that part of the parish of Saynt
which is in the said Cittie of London That
Elizabeth Merry< no role >
late the
Thomas Merry< no role >
of the Pish of St. Bartholomews the Greate
widdow, with
John< no role >
Joseph< no role >
, and
Elizabeth< no role >
her Children, are lately could into
theire said Pish, without giveing notice or warneing in ceriteing as by Law
they are required to doe, And are likely to become Chargeable to the same
Pish unless humbly prevented And for as much as it appeares are to us
upon the Oath of
Merian Burges< no role >
the wife
William Burges< no role >
of ye
Pish of Bipps Gate without
London, That the said
Thomas Merry< no role >
his wife
and John, his sone about seaven yeares agoe did Rent a house in (Oath said
in the Pish of St. Bartholomew the Greate
aforesaid and there continued as an
inhabitants for about halfe a yeare, and payd scott and Lott as the pest of ye
Pish overs did, and that his wife dyeing he removed with his said Child and
tooke a house in Clerken well
, and Continued there about Liquore, but
payd neyther scott nor Lott, and then returned into Cloth Fayre in the
Parish of St. Bartholomews
the greate aforesaid and there stayed
two yeares since which, he haveing Married the said Elizabeth by
whome hee hath had two Children, and boath of them yett liveing
but did not gayne any new Legall Settlemt. since hee left. Cloth Fayre
in the Pish of St. Bartholomews
the greate aforesaid, but hath
privately bedne with his said wife and Children in the pish of
St. Sepulchers
within the said Cittie of London and since
[..] Dyed, These
are therefore in theire Majesties names to require and
Comand you the Officers of the said Pish of St. Sepulchers
the said Cittie of London or some or one of you, to take passe
and Carry away the said
Elizabeth Merry< no role >
with her
said Three Children, out of your said Pish, to Clock Fayre in the
Pish of St. Barthollomews the Greate aforesaid and there
to deliver them to the Church Wardens or Overseers of the
Poore, of the said Pish, or to some or one of them who are
hereby likewise in theire Majesties names required the said
Elizabeth Murrey and her three Children to receive and provide
for according to Law And hereof your nor any of you and
to fayle Given ordr our hands and Seals this Fourth day
of January Anno Dond 1692
To the Constables Churchwardens and
Overseers of the poore of that pse of the
said pish of St Sepulchers
which is in
the said Cittie of London
And all other
officers whom the sd may Concerned