[..] am very Sure the two prisoners Jones and Rigby was on the
[..] on when he had theherfall and was hurt
and Mr. James Boevek< no role >
for himself saith that onWednesdayTuesday the
14th. of August. Mrs. Moore brought the three Skins now produced
to Town for this deponent to see the Quality of the Leather
after Examining the Skins Deliverd them back to Mr. Moore
to he finishd Manufaturing with the rest of the Skins which
was then at the Mills
And Mr Samuel or Massingham< no role >
for himself Saith that on Wednesday
the 15th. of August between the Hours of Sand 6 the prisoner
Jones brought the three Skins to Mr. Browns Shop land Asked
of these Kins would make a pair of Breeches
this Deponent
[..] tened Yes they would make a very good pair and Immediately
Measured him and desired them to be made by the latter
[..] of the Week he said his Father had sent him the Skins
out of the County as soon as this Deponents Master came home
he Informd him that a Man in the Name of Robert Jones< no role >
brought three skins to be made into a pair of Breeches
and informdbut this Deponent had a Suspicion that the
Skins was stolen and deliverd them into his Masters
And Mr Rue Bown for himself sent of Silver Street
Golden [..]
Sworn before me
this 30th August 1781}
William Hyde< no role >
Jacob [mark] Green< no role >
Jas Borock< no role >
Samuel Massingham< no role >