Friday 2d. July 1736
Cass-Sr John< no role >
Legacy to
Bethlem to be pd to ye Trear
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this House bearing date the
7th day of April last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsope< no role >
, Mr.
Thomas Pestell< no role >
, Dr.
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
. Mr.
Allen Webb< no role >
Robert, Henshaw< no role >
Walter Pryse< no role >
. in the Words & figures
following ViztIn Pursuance of an order of Court of the 15th of
February last This Committee have examined into the matter relating to the
Legacy of £200. bequeathed by the Will of Sr.
John Cass< no role >
to the Hospital
of Bethlem
, and concerning the Interest due for the said Legacy and are of
Opinion to accept. £3 P cent P Ann Interest for the said Legacy from the
end of one
[..] year after Lady Cass his widow obtained the Probate of
the said Will which was proved 8th. Novr. 1718 to the time of her death
which happened about ye 7th of July 1732 and to accept £4 P Cent
P ann for the said Legacy from the decease of the said Lady Cass to this
time All which nevertheless is submitted to the Judgment of the Court
And it is Ordered that this Opinion be reported to the next Court
This Court doth confirm the said Report and Order that the said £200 &
the Interest due for the same be accordingly paid to Mr Treasurer for the use
of the said Hospital of Bethlem
Baker John< no role >
have a Lease of 11 Houses in
old Bethlem
Upon reading a Report from the Comitte of this House bearing date
the 12th. of May last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Alsop< no role >
. Aldn
. Trear
. Mr.
Thomas Pestell< no role >
, Dr.
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
Robert Hall< no role >
, Mr.
Allen Webb< no role >
. Mr.
Richard Bridgman< no role >
and Mr.
Robert Henshaw< no role >
in the words and figures following Vizt
In Pursuance of an Order of Court of the 11th. day of February last
This Comittee have taken into consideration the several Petitions
following ViztThe Petition of
John Baker< no role >
of the Parish of Saint
Leonard Shoreditch
praying a Lease or Leases of Eleven Houses
in old Bethlem
formerly let to
Robert Munden< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
, and the ground whereon
the same are built and the yards thereto belonging
[..] for 61 years from
Laday lastand proposing to rebuild thereon seven Houses according to
the second rate of Building in London and to pay £30 P ann Rent
Quarterly, clearof all Taxes and to pay a Fine of £100. and to execute
Counterparts of the LeasesThe Petition of
Edward Gibbs< no role >
of the
Parish of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate
London Carpenter
for the
same Premes for a Term of 61 years from Midsummer next proposing
to rebuild thereon 8 Houses and in like manner to pay £30 P ann Rent
and £60 for a FineThe Petition of
John Hawkins< no role >
for the same
premisses, for the same Term at £25. P ann Rent and a Fine of £150
The Petition of
William Kirkham< no role >
for the same premisses at £20
P ann Rent and a Fine of £200And the Petition of
Stacey< no role >
of the Parish of St. Buttolph without Bishopsgate
London Carpenter
for the same Premisses for the same Term at £20 P ann Rent and a
Fine of £200and they being severally called in again
Baker< no role >
proposed £35 P ann Rent and make his Fine £150 the said
Edward Gibbs< no role >
to give £30 P ann Rent and £200 fine and the said
John Hawkins< no role >
£25 P ann Rent and £312 fineand the said
Thomas Stacey< no role >
(no one appearing for the said
William Kirkham< no role >
) adher'd
to his former proposalsAnd this Comittee having considered the
said several proposals are of opinion to accept the proposal of the said
John Baker< no role >
upon which he gave a Guinea to the Poor's box all which is
never the less submitted to the Judgment of the Courtand it is Ordered
this opinion be reported to the next CourtThis Court doth confirm
the said Report and order that a Lease or Leases be made to the said
John Baker< no role >