Thursday 6th. May 1736
BeadleElection in ye
user of Brandling
This Court being informed that
William Brandling< no role >
Second Warding
of the Hospital of Bridewell
was dead
Ordered that
Heather< no role >
the next Beadle
be Warding Beadle
in the room of the said
Brandling< no role >
and that
Robert Morgan< no role >
the Junior Beadle
be third
in the room of the said
Jeremiah Heather< no role >
And that
Richard Darlington< no role >
the Portis man
be Junr. Beadle
in the Stead of the said
Robert Morgan< no role >
PortersmanNotice of
his Election to be insorted in
P Tickets}
Ordered that a Porter's man
for the said Hospital of Bridewell
be elected at
the next Court in the room of the said
Richard Darlington< no role >
and that Notice
of such Election be inserted in the Ticketts
Apprentices that cut or
Put their Cloaths or not to
have Locks Gift}
An Order made by the Committee of this House the 22d. of April last was
read as follows Vizt. Ordered That if any of the Apprentices belonging to
this Hospitall shall at any time Presume to cutt alter or Spoil any of their
Apparell or wear other than blew Jacketts and Trowsers white Hats Bunds and
green Stockings which is the Clothing given to em by the Governors or shall
neglect coming to Divine Worship at the Chappell of this Hospital on Sundays
or misbehave these such Apprentice shall not only be reported to the Court as
unworthy of Mr. Lock's Gift, but as disobedient to the Government of this
Hospital and to be punished as the Court shall direct this Court doth confirm
the same.
Keepers of ye Keys of ye Great
chest entred in ye Cort Book
Ordered That the names of the Keepers of the Keys of the Great Chest be
entred in the Court Book every Election day
last in ye officers hands more
than for imediate use to be
respected in ye Chest}
Ordered That if any Cash shall at any time Appear to be in the hands of
any of the Officer of either Hospital more than necessary for the immediate use the same
be deposited in the said Chest or laid out at Interest as the House Committee
shall order for the encrease and Security of the Charitys.
Officers Securitys to be
deposited in the Chest}
Ordered That all Security given by the Officers and Servants for the
due Execution of their Offices as well as Securitys for money be deposited
in the said Chest and Minutes thereof entred in the Book of the House
Committee fully explaining the same.