Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050427

Image 427 of 4912nd July 1736

Friday 2d. July 1736

Apprentices disorderly
Read [..] Henry< no role >
WilliamsJames< no role >
GathiffeChas< no role >
MooreJohn< no role >
DavisEdward< no role >
The 4 last corrected, ye 1st being
ran away}

Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this House bearing date
the 24th. day of June last under the hands of the Right Worspll. Robert
< no role > Esqr . Alderman Trear . Mr. Philip Scarth< no role > . Mr. Thomas Pestell< no role > . Dr
Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role > , Mr. Gilbert Malches< no role > and Mr. Robert
< no role > in the words and figures following ViztComplaint being
made to this Comittee by James Waldo< no role > one of the Artsmasters of this Hospital
that Henry Read< no role > his Apprentice goes out when he pleases without Leave
comes home late and staid out all the Night of the 19th. instant neglects
going to Chappell, refuses to wear the habit of the House and is very
disorderly in his behaviourand the said Henry Read< no role > being called into
this Comittee and examined touching the Complaint aforesaid, the same
appeared to this Comittee to be trueAnd Jeremiah Heather< no role > one of
the Beadles of this Hospital accquainted the Comittee that

James Williams< no role > apprentice to Mr. Page
Charles Gatliffe< no role > Mr. Ittery
John Moore< no role > Mr. Cooke
Edward Davis< no role > Mr. Wenden

were very disorderly on Sunday the 23d. of May last. throwing dirt at one
another in the Court Yard, and they being called in: Gatliffe & Davis owned
the fact, and the other two denied it, but all of them behaved insolently and
were observed by one of the Comittee to laugh at their going out of the
Comittee room It is the Opinion of this Comittee that the said Read
Williams, Gatliffe, Moor and Davis be correctedand it is Ordered
that this Opinion be reported to the next CourtIt is Ordered that the
said Read, Williams, Gatliffe, Moor and Davis be corrected in the presence of
the rest of the apprentices in this Hospitaland the said Williams Gatliffe,
Moor and Davis were corrected accordingly and afterwards repramanded by Mr.
President but the said Henry Read< no role > was run away from his said Master &
not to be found.

Apprentices to Prvent
disturbance comitted by than}

This Court being acquainted by Mr. Trear that a Disturbance was
intended by the Apprentices of this Hospital at the house of Mr Bransby an
Apothecary in Tuttle Street Westminster on Tuesday the 29th. June lastDoth
Order that it be referred to the Comittee of this Hospital to examine into
that matter, and to consider of some method to present the like for the future

Apprentice disorderly
to corrected by ye Comee}

Ordered That the Comee of this Hospital be desired for the future to give such
Correction or punishment to the disorderly Apprentices in this Hospital from
time to time as they shall think fitt

Coulson Mr. Directions
St Paymt of his Legany of £500}

Mr. Trear reported to this Court that pursuant to an order of Court
of the 6th. of May last the Comittee had agreed for the purchase of a Farm house
adjoining to the four Swanns Inn at Waltham Cross and land let with the
said Farm house to one Thomas Hall< no role > at £62 P Ann, at the Price of
£1480 and that Mr. Coulson's Legacy of £500.. to Bethlem Hospital was
intended to have been part of the purchase money but not being yet
received Mr. Trear had advanced the same and also paid the rest of the
purchase money out of Mr. Rands Gift pursuant to an order of the Court
of the 26 day of May lastWhereupon It is ordeered that Mr.
Coulson Exor of the said Edward Coulson< no role > deced be desired to pay the said
£500 Legacy to the Trear to be applyed by him as past of the said purchase
money for the said Farm.

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