Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050418

Image 418 of 4916th May 1736

Thursday 6th. May 1736

Stewards in course for ye
Election feast

At this Court the Governors hereafter named Vizt
Thomas Hall< no role > Esqr William Shippen< no role > Esqr Mr. John Gascoigne< no role >
John Green< no role > Esqr Mr. Ambrose Wilson< no role > Mr. Edward Gilbert< no role >
Edward Hosier< no role > Esqr Mr. Thomas Nash< no role > Mr. Thomas Roycroft< no role >
Mr. John Markham< no role > John Lee< no role > Esqr James Shepheard< no role > Esqr .
were chosen Stewards for the next Election day of these Hospitals who
are desired to provide a Dinner at their been Venue for the President
Treasurer and Governors to dine together according to antient Custom &
in case any of the Stewards elected decline or refuse the same the Clerk
is to supply the number in course.


At this Court the following poor Boys were Ordered to be put out
Apprentices at the Nomination of the several Governors hereafter named Vizt.
Nominated by

Indre dat 14th May 1736

NelsonMorgan< no role > to Benja Thatcher< no role > Mr. Thomas Nash< no role >

Indre dat 21st July 1736

YorkEdward< no role > to MrSmithMr. Philip Scarth< no role >
AkersJoseph< no role > toMr. Deputy Davis

Officers & Servts of both Hosptl
Ibso duty.

The several Officers and Servants of the respective Hospitals of
Bridewell and Bethlem pursuant to an Order made at a Court holden
for the said Hospitals on Thursday the 11th. of March last laid before this
Court an Account in Writing what they apprehend to be their care duty
and Trust respectively, which were according read as follows Vizt.

the Care & duty of ye Clerk
of Bridewell & Bethlem

The Care duty and Trust of the Clerk of the Hospitals of Bridewell
and Bethlem

To issue out the Summons for all Courts and Committees
To attend the Courts and enter the Minutes of the Proceedings there & draw
them out at large and enter them in a fair book kept for that purpose
By himself or Clerk to attend the Committees and Subcommittees of
both Hospitals and to enter the Minutes of the Orders & Proceedings
there in a Book

To draw up the Reports of any matters to be reported by the Comittees
to the Court

To receive the Rents from the Tenants of the Hospital of Bethlem
To draw out and enter the Annual Accounts of both Hospital
To draw and ingross all the Leases to the Hospital Tenants and the
Assignments thereof

To take the Security bonds at Bethlem and draw up all Petitions
and Orders relating to either Hospital, make several Copys of Lists of
the Apprentices twice a year for the Comittees, and a List of the
Governors to be delivered yearly to the Lord Mayor on St. Mathews day.

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