Thursday 6th. May 1736
of the Steward of
The Care duty & Trust of the Steward of Bridewell Hospital
To wait on New Governors with Staves & acquaint them with their Election
To Collect the Rents & Annuityes due and payable to this Hospital
To provide and deliver out the Diell daily for the Prisoners
To receive of the Hempdresser
what becomes due from him for the Labour
of the Prisoners
To direct the Workmen to do such Repairs as ordered by the Comittee
To direct such Repaires as by means of Accident or Decay may become
imediately and absolutely necessary to be done, & all others of small Charge &
To examine the Workmen's and Tradesmen's Bills and see that they be
right, and to pay them as the Comittee direct
To attend upon all Courts & Committees of this Hospital & observe such
Directions as be shall receive from them from time to time.
of the matron.
The Care duty & Trust of the Matron of Bridewell Hospital
To Clean the Hall and Court Room before and after all Courts Comittees
and other publick Days of the Governors assembling and Meeting as also at
any other times then occasion and to take care the rooms are in every respect
in decent Order fitt for their Reception, for which purpose she is to keep the
keys of the said Hall in her Custody
To let in the Women Prisoners at all hours of the Night they shall be
brought and to keep a due Order and Decorum a mong'em as for as lyes in
her power but in case any Disputes arise among'em, which she can't quell
to call in the Beadle to her Assistance and see that they quiet'em and
put and End to the same
To let the Women down every Morning into the Shop to Work and to take
care that none but those that are rendred Incapable, either by Sickness, or
other Infirmityes of nature, be excused from their daily Labours
to settle every Night with the Hempdresser and an Accot. of the proceeding
day concerning what number of Women prisoners are to be charged to his
Account, and what to the house. and to see that none so charged to the House
but such as are Incapable to Work at the Blocks for which purpose the
Matron is to enter in a Book to be kept by her a distinct and particular
Account thereof
To take upon her the Charge of and be answerable for all the Women
Prisoners from the time every Night the Hempdresser delivers them up to
her, till the next Morning they go into the Shop again to Work
To attend the Woman Prisoners when they burning their Area
and Cleaning their Wards (which is done every Week) and to take care
that they Wash their Cloaths every Saturday that they may appear as
decent as they can at Chappell on Sundays, and likewise to see all Inches
are able attend divine Service.