Thursday 6th. May 1736
To take care when the Doctor prescribes any Medicines for the
Prisoners that they be rightly and duly administred according to his
orders and Prescriptions
To make (when the Doctor shall give Orders for all the Sick Prisoners
either Men or Women proper sick Diet and likewise attend upon them in
all manner of Distempers which frequently hapen to be Distempers of
the most Infections and Nanscous Nature, and consequently very
Irksome to the Eye and offensive to the Smell and therefore no small
fatigue for the Matron to go through according to her orders and
Directions and the Trust reposed in her.
of the Porter
The Care duty & Trust of the Porter of Bridewell Hospital
To receive all Warrants of Commitments and discharges
To sett the prisoners to hard Labour
To attend all Courts and prepare the proper Callendar to be used
in the Tryall of the Prisoners
To attend on all Committees
To Execute the Orders of several Courts and Comittees for the
Shutting up the Gates
of the Beadles
The Care duty and Trust of the Four Beadles of Bridewell Hospital
The duty of the 1st. Warding Beadle Chappell Clerk & Sexton is
to attend divine Service on Sabbath days Wednesdays Fridays and
Red Letter days
To go every Morning to take Instructions from the Clerks Office and from
thence to wait on the President & Trear to know if they have any Commands
To Summons and attend all Courts and Comittees belonging to this and
Bethlem Hospital
To attend the City Marshall when required
To go of all Errands relating to the Hospital
to Summons the Tenants
To Watch at Night and
to attend the Gates on all publick Holydays
To take care the Court yards are Swept every Saturday
To go out with the Enquire when Ordered to a fire and
To fetch the Doctor Surgeon or Apothecary for the Prisoners if sick or lame
The Duty of the 2d. Warding Beadle is
To go with Prisoners before the respective Justices and as to the rest of
his duty it is the same as above Except attending Divine Service Wednesdays
Fridays and Red Letter days & seeing the Yards be swept every Saturday
The Duty of the 3d. and 4th. Beadles is the same as the second
Warding Beadle Except attending the City Marshall