Thursday 6th. May 1736
ParrThos< no role >
To have a
Lease of an he at Shepherd's bush
Upon reading a Report from the Committee of this House bearing date the
23d. day of March last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsop< no role >
, Dr.
Richard Rawlinson< no role >
Walter Pryse< no role >
. Mr.
Pistell< no role >
, Mr.
Allen Webb< no role >
and Mr.
Philip Searth< no role >
in the Words and figures
following Vizt.In Pursuance of an order of the 11th. of February last
This Committee have taken into consideration the Proposals of
Thomas Parr< no role >
SettingforthThat he proposes to take a Lease of the House and peice of Ground
at Shepherds bush
in the parish of Hamersmith
in the County of Middlesex
late in
the Occupation ofMay in the Condition it now is and to put the same into
Tenantable repair at his Charge and to pay the Rent of £7 a year payable
Quarterly clear of Taxes, and to take a Lease thereof for Eleven years from Laday
next being allowed the last years Rent for repairs and the Lease to contain such
Covenants as are usual in the Hospital Leases to their TenantsThis
Committee are of Opinion 10 accept the Proposall of the said Mr. Parr
Whereupon he gave five Shillings to the Poors boxAll which never the less
is submitted to the Judgment of the Courtand it is Ordered that this
Opinion be reported to the next CourtThis Court doth confirm the
said Report and order that a Lease be made to the said Mr. Parr accordingly.
DeanAntho< no role >
: Esqr
Petr for an addll term in diverse Houses at Wapping
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Anthony Dean< no role >
. Settingforth
That the Governors of this Hospital by Indre dated 16th March 1674 demised to Sr.
William Warren< no role >
a peice or parcell of Ground & Soil containing in length in the East
side of King Edward Street
from Wapping Street
on the South to Cinnamon Street
the North 166 foot and a half of Assize little more or less and in length on the West
side from Wapping Street
Northward to a Jetty 44 foot and 6 Inches of Assize little
more or less and from the said Jetty Northward to Cinnamon Street
122 foot of Assize
little more or less and in breadth at the South end thereof by Wapping Street
the Corner of King Edward Street
Westwards 30 foot two Inches of Assize little
more or less and in breadth at the North end thereof by Cinamon Street
from the
Corner of King Edward Street
Westward to the Yard and Ground then in the
Occupation of
Henry Blackborow< no role >
38 foot and half of Assize little more or
less a butting Eastward on King Edward Street
and Southward on Wapping Street
and Northwards on Cinnamen Street
and the Messuage or Tenements erected or
to be Erected thereonTo hold from Michaelmas then last for 89 years at
the yearly Rent of £4 payable quarterlyThat the said Governors by one
other Indre dated 18th March 1674 demised to the said Mr.
William Warren< no role >
another peice or parcell of Ground and Soil containing on the South side by
Cinnamon Street
from three Colt Ally
on the East to a little New Ally on the West
105 foot and a half of Assize and in length on the North side next the Common
server there from three Colt Ally
on the East to the said little new Ally on the West
96 foot and half of Assize and in breadth at the East end from Cinamon Street
on the South to the Common Shore
on the North 97 foot of Assize and in breadth
at the West end thereof by the said New Ally from Cinnamon Street
on the South
to the Common
Sewer on the North 67 foot and a half of Assize abutting South
on Cinnamon Street
North on the Common Sewer
East ward on three Colt ally
Westward on said New Ally and the and the Messuages or Tenements erected or to
be erected thereonTo hold from Michaelmas then last for 89 years at the
Rent of £4 payable QuarterlyThat the said Governors by one other
Indenture dated 5th. May 1676 demised to
Gregory Page< no role >
one peice of Ground on
the South most side of Wapping Street
containing in breath by Wapping Street
on the Northwest part thereof from East to West 39 foot 5 Inches of Assize and on
the Southmost part thereof Eastwardly and Westwardly by the River of Thames
45 foot 10 Inches of Assize and in depth on the West side thereof from Wapping
on the north to the River of Thames
on the South 77 foot of Assize
and also one other peice of Ground Street on the Northwardly side of Wapping Street
containing in breadth by Wapping Street
on the Southmost part thereof 85 foot
of Assize and on the Northmost side thereof by Cinnamon Street
90 foot