Wednesday 30th: April 1735
John< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
Joseph Griffith< no role >
for Imbezelling Cheating and defrauding him of an old Great
Cloth Coat of small Value which he has Confessed.
Cont to Labor
StoneWilliam< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
Thomas Colley< no role >
for Pillferring from out of his house a Pewter Pint Pott
of small value and being a loose idle and a disorderly Person
Cont to Labor
DoDoBy Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
George Stacey< no role >
for Pillferring from out of his house a Pewter Pint Pott of
small value & being a loose idle and a disorderly Person
Cont to Labor
HarrisonSarah< no role >
By Sr
Richd. Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath
Rebecca Norris< no role >
for Pillferring from her two old Holland Aprons of small
Value and being a loose idle and a disorderly Woman.
Cont to Labor
BomanAnn< no role >
By Sr
William Billers< no role >
Old Prisoner
Cont to labor EvansEliza< no role >
Cont to labor JewissAnne< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being charged by the Oath of
John Bennett< no role >
of Farrington Ward
within London
for Insulting and abusing him in a gross manner & being
found by him in the secret on Sunday Morning last and
being loose idle & disorderly Street Walkers.
Lipscomb-James< no role >
for allowance of money layd out
by there-repairsRejected}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
James Lipscomb< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of this Hospital SettingforthThat he has been an Artsmaster of this Hospitall
upwards of 9 Years and finding it will be to his disadvantage to continue any longer
in the said Hospital, hath given due notice of his intentions to quitt the same and
having laid out in repairs and lasting Improvements of the Messuage and premes in
which he now dwells part of your Worships possessions, several Sums of money to the
Amount of £40. and upwards in the whole, which will be of great use and service to
any future Artsmaster inhabiting therein prayed that he might have some allowance
for the money he had so laid out or that the Artsmaster who shall next came into possession
of the said Messuage to make him satisfaction for the same or that he may have other relief
therein It is Ordered that the said Petition be rejected.
ThatcherBenj< no role >
for Lipscomb house referred}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Benjamin Thatcher< no role >
one of the
of this Hospital SettingforthThat he has been an Artsmaster of this
Hospital upwards of 20 years and not having Room sufficient in the house wherein be
now lives for the carrying on of his Trade and Mr
James Lipscomb< no role >
another Artsmaster
of this Hospital intending (as he is informed) to resign his said place prayed that he
might have the said Mr Lipscomb Appartment instead of the House wherein he now
livesIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Comittee of this House to consider
of the said Petition and to report their Opinion therein to this Court.
ArmittMary< no role >
to let ground in [..] Prcinct
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Mary Armitt< no role >
Armitt< no role >
her husband
settingforthThat the said
Theophilus Armitt< no role >
in the
Year 1722 holding by Lease from Bridewell Hospl
the Ground and Tenements next
adjoyning on the East and North sides to the yard in Bridewell Precinct
did then
apply for licence to lett part of the said Ground to the New River Water Company
which was granted him accordingly that her said husband being lately dead and
Christopher Masterman< no role >
a Woodmonger
being desirous to take a house and Wharfe part
of her said Premes, prayed that she might have Licence to let to the said
Masterman< no role >
the said house & WharfIt is Ordered that it be referred to the
Comittee of this House to consider of the said Petition and to report their Opinion
therein to this Court.